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Planetary Health, All Hail the Pollinators

Posted by
Jason Kravitz (Brussels, Belgium) on 9 December 2024 in Animal & Insect.

Going back through some photos and videos over the year.

This bee macro was a still from a 180p slow motion clip (On Panasonic G9 + Olympus 60mm macro lens) with amazing details for a random garden shoot.

The video is even more impressive. Sometimes I’m amazed what comes out of my camera.

On the Aminus3 Weekly Prompt : Health, I'm still thinking about what it means for me and what I want to photograph or share from the archives on the theme.

This one hits in a few ways. For one, the mental health of being outside enjoying fresh air and having fun with camera to create like this.

But I suppose also bees and pollen remind me of my allergies :)
which was a health concern growing up though nothing too extreme.

Though perhaps most important for this world is a nod to these tiny creatures, bees, who are critical workers in the health of our planet and ecosystem.

All images copyright Jason Kravitz 2004-2025 - All Rights Reserved

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