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(un)beautiful Bruges, a tale of two cities

Posted by
Jason Kravitz (Brussels, Belgium) on 7 June 2024 in Cityscape & Urban.

Some thoughts to go with this week’s photography prompt, here is a pair of images from “(un)beautiful” Bruges that I like to use for teaching photography as they illustrate two important points.

1) As photographers we can change OUR PERSPECTIVE by moving our feet to get rid of distractions. To remove the trash, I just moved my body a few steps to the left.

2) As photographers we can change OTHER PEOPLE’S PERSPECTIVE in the stories we chose to tell. Do you tell the story of beautiful fairytale Bruges at Christmas? Or the story of a dirty city overrun with trash?

Same scene, different perspectives, different stories.

For the Aminus3 Weekly Prompt : Unbeautiful

All images copyright Jason Kravitz 2004-2025 - All Rights Reserved

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