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mossy tops

Posted by
Jason Kravitz (Brussels, Belgium) on 10 April 2023 in Plant & Nature.

I took this photo specific for the Aminus3 Weekly Prompt of "Unremarkable".

I was thinking about this prompt in a couple ways. One being something that is kind of ordinary but you can photograph it in such a way that it seems more compelling based on the light, perspective or other creative technique.

But also I think unremarkable might also lend itself nicely to phone photography. Those things that we see when we are out walking around that catch our attention even if it is not that exciting or interesting to someone else.

That is the case with these mossy stumps. I like the way the light was shining on the moss and the colors and felt compelled to snap a photo.

So I present this for the theme this week of "unremarkable" as it is not that exciting of a photo but has interest for me.

Apple iPhone 14 Pro 1/597 second F/1.8 ISO 80 24 mm (35mm equiv.)

All images copyright Jason Kravitz 2004-2025 - All Rights Reserved

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"Be infinitely flexible and constantly amazed"